The Eleven Virtuous Mental Factors


  (1)   Faith / Confidence / Respectful Belief  - Gives us positive attitude to Virtue and objects that are worthy of respect. Three types are distinguished, with the last one being the preferred type.  

     A) Uncritical Faith: motivation is for no apparent reason
     B) Longing Faith: motivation is by emotionally unstable mind
     C) Conviction Faith: motivated by sound reasons
 (2)   Shame / Sense of Propriety - The personal conscience that stops negative   actions and perform positive actions.
 (3)   Embarassment / Decency  -  Avoids evil towards others, basis for   unspoiled moral discipline, considerateness. 

(4)   Non-Attachment / Detachment  - No Attachment to cyclic existence and objects, renuncitation.
(5)   Non-Hatred / Imperturbablitity  -  No animosity to others or conditions; rejoicing
(6)   Non-Ignorance / Open-Mindedness  -  Usually understanding the meaning of things through clear discrimination, non-bewilderment, never unwilling to learn.

(7)   Enthusiastic Effort / Diligence  - Doing positive acts (specifically mental development and meditation) with delight.

(8)   Pliancy / Thorough Training / Flexibility  -  Enables the mind to engage in positive acts as wished, interrupting mental or physical rigidity.

(9)   Conscientiousness / Carefulness - Causes avoiding negative acts and doing good; mind with detachment, non-hatred, non-ignorance and enthusiasm.

(10)   Equanimity/ Clear - Minded Tranquility  -  Clear-minded tranquility - peaceful mind, not being overpowered by delusions, no mental dullness or agitation. 

(11)   Non-Harmlessness /  Non Violence-  Compassion without any hatred, pacifist.

These virtues from the viewpoint of either their entity, being an antidote, or having similarity [that is, accompanying  a virtuous mind or mental factor].



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