Syllogistic Reasoning for Phenomena / Time

A. Subject:  Minute
B. Predicate:   is not still.
C. Reasoning:  Because the minute does not remain still with the first second and not the 60th second. It is not still for the duration of the 60 seconds as every second is constantly changing and there is no stillness in even the second.
A. Subject:  Hour
B. Predicate:   is not still.
C. Reasoning:   Because the hour does not remain still in the first minute nor the 60th minute and it is not still for the duration of the 60 minutes. 
A. Subject:   Day
B. Predicate:   is not still.
C. Reasoning:   Because the day is not still upon the first hour nor upon the 24th hour and it is not still for the duration of 24 hours. 
A. Subject:  Week
B. Predicate:  is not still.
C. Reasoning:   Because the week does not remain still in the first day nor the 7th day and it is not still for the duration of the 7 days. 



A. Subject:   Month
B. Predicate:   is not still.


C. Reasoning:   Because the month is not still upon the first week nor upon the 4th week nor is it found in its duration of 4 weeks.
Because the month is not still upon the first day nor upon the 30th day and it is not still upon the duration of the 30 days.
Continue with year, decade, lifetime.



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